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Giant Finishing Corn Cob Dryers are the most efficient way to dry your parts as the heated corn cob actually wipes each and every part dry which will eliminate all water spots or left over residue from a previous vibratory finishing process.This Giant Finishing vibratory equipment is a cob dryer that provides a compact, economical […]

This vibratory finishing machine has a spiral bottom design that allows for part separation, manual or automatic. Spiral bottom machines feature 100% separation of parts and media with specially designed cast urethane screens. We custom make these screens based on your parts sizes and media chosen for your process. We have made it possible to […]

The Performance Racing Industry, Giant Tub vibratory deburring equipment is significantly different than the average GT style deburring machine. The size, shape, style and design are specifically for fine finishing automotive parts by using less amplitude and a higher speed. For example polishing headers or manifolds for a great metal shine. Exhaust tips, rear-end gears, intakes, […]

Giant Finishing’s FT Series is our specialty for high volume vibratory deburring equipment for parts with short time cycles. Stampings, laser cut parts, die castings, extrusions, and powdered metal parts are all excellent candidates for Giant Finishing’s FT series continuos flow systems. This system is ideal for the facility that is looking to setup in-line […]

Giant Finishing manufactures a lot of different machinery, from belt washers to parts separation decks but our #1 product is our vibratory finishing equipment. We take pride in our deburring machines being made here in the United States. Building vibratory tumblers is what we do and we’ve built tumblers for over 25 years. Our deburring bowls […]

VIBRATORY FEEDER Vibratory hopper used to meter parts into a any deburring equipment at a consistent flow.

TURN TABLE WITH CONVEYOR Parts that are very delicate or can not tolerate any scratches or nicks can be collected on a table and picked-up by the operator for the next process. A conveyor will bring the parts up to the table and then assorted manually by a Quality Assurance employee

MOBILE MEDIA HOIST PAN STORAGE Used to remove and/or store media from one machine location to the next with this storage on casters solution. Easy to change over media for one job onto the next, keeps vibratory finishing easy and organized

SETTLING TANK Used to separate heavy solids from vibratory waste water prior to going to drain. This simple yet heavy duty steel settling tank is equipped with drainage ports for threaded and or custom connectors.  

SCREEN WORK TABLE Used to help manually sort parts from media by creating a custom sized urethane screen to separate media from parts. Collecting the media is not a hassle and can be fed back into your machine.